
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Finishes

I started 2017 with A LOT of quilty goals!

I have a long list of WIPs, UFO, quilt alongs, patterns and fabric bundles that I want to play with, as well as some shop samples and designs and customer requests.  So, I decided the best thing to do was WRITE IT DOWN! I figured if I write it down and can cross it off I will be more likely to do it.  So far, so good.

Each month I've got a balance of old projects to complete, quilt alongs to keep up with, customer orders, shop stuff, new patterns and pretty bundles.

My January list was long, and except for one project, I got it all marked off.

1. Sweet Love quilt - started and finished in one month.  Whoop!

2. Vintage Valentine quilt - top pieced

3. Quilt Alongs - I made progress on my Splendid Sampler, Farmer's Wife, Harry Potter, Orange and Blue quilt and Quarter Square Log Cabins

4. Comfort Quilt - finished and turned in 1 comfort quilt.

5. Bind and Label 3 quilts - Done!  Including getting labels on some older quilts.

6. Finish quilting Cade's quilt.  Done

7. Stash Bee blocks - Crashed and Mailed

8. Sleeping Porch bundle - quilt top made

9. Pillowcases for Matthew - done and being mailed this week.

10. Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks - Purple blocks made - plus, butterflies, snails and Fireflies

11. Michael Miller scraps - quilt top made and backing made

12. Eeyore dress - Done and delivered

13. Pixelated Hearts pattern testing - Tablerunner top made

14. Cole's quilt - 112/132 blocks made

15. Sloth Pillow - still waiting on fabric


Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Santa Vaca! That's a lot of stuff! I'm so anxious to see the completed Harry Potter quilt. The teasers are fantastic, and putting them all together will be epic.

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  4. waoo nice post about "January Finishes"


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  5. well written post regarding January Finishes


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  10. Oh, my goodness! What eye candy! Everything is so delicious! Why are you still blogging? You have such beautiful stuff to share.

  11. Would love more information on the scrappy bee block please. Thanks

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